KeepWell@Work for Employers

KeepWell@Work for Employers

Benefits   |   Calvert County Public Schools   |   Charles County Public Schools   |   ARC   |   Calvert Hospice
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Help Your Employees Take Charge of Their Health.

Health and wellness is receiving a lot of attention in today's workplace. That's because research tells us that worksite wellness works - for the employer and the employee. Studies show that more than 50 percent of healthcare costs are the result of individual behavior.This is where CalvertHealth's KeepWell@Work program can make a real difference in your bottom line. By encouraging your employees to adopt healthier behaviors, you can cut your healthcare costs.

We've already done it successfully in our own workplace. Now, let CalvertHealth design a customized program for your worksite. It can be as simple as blood pressure screenings or more comprehensive with a menu of services adapted for your specific needs.

CalvertHealth is ready to be your partner in worksite wellness. Whether you're big or small, we can help you improve the health of your employees. Call 410-535-8233 to get started.


Benefits to employees include:

  • Weight reduction
  • Improved physical fitness
  • Increased stamina
  • Lower levels of stress
  • Increased well-being, self-image and self-esteem
Benefits for employers include:

  • Enhanced recruitment/retention of healthy employees
  • Reduced healthcare costs
  • Decreased rates of illness and injuries
  • Reduced employee absenteeism
  • Improved employee relations and morale
  • Increased productivity
Studies show that more than 50 percent of healthcare costs are the result of individual behavior. This is where CalvertHealth's KeepWell@Work program can make a real difference in your bottom line. By encouraging your employees to adopt healthier behaviors, you can cut your healthcare costs.

CalvertHealth is ready to be your partner in worksite wellness. Whether you're big or small, we can help you improve the health of your employees.


Calvert County Public Schools | Charles County Public Schools | ARC | Calvert Hospice

How To Start

These instructions will help you get started with the KeepWell@Work program. It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1:

Please email or call 410-535-8233.

Renewing your membership?

All employees and family members who joined, or renewed, during a previous enrollment period are required to complete the online questionnaire and biometrics each year in order to maintain, or renew, their wellness benefits, including the World Gym membership.

Please complete the User ID Request form above to begin the renewal process.

Effective July 1, 2016, an annual HRA renewal fee must be paid at the time of biometric completion by ALL renewing participants. The participant is responsible for covering $13 of the HRA fee (half of the $26 total HRA fee).The remaining portion of the annual HRA fee is paid by World Gym. Payment of the annual HRA renewal fee is NOT available through payroll deduction.

Step 2:

Log on to the WellSuite Personal Wellness Profile using the link you received from us.

Once you have your user ID and password, click here to access the Online Questionnaire Website.

Click here for a step-by-step guide (with pictures) for completing the online questionnaire.

Step 3:

Attend one of the enrollment sessions. You will complete the sign up process at the enrollment session.

What is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA)?

The HRA consists of an online questionnaire and biometrics to assess your overall wellness, which is a great way to start any health program.

All participants completing the HRA receive a 14-page Personal Wellness Profile (PWP) Report.

Who needs to complete the HRA?

Participants 18 and older are required to complete the online questionnaire and biometrics. Participants under the age of 18 are are required to complete the biometrics but not the online questionnaire.

Family members can join the KeepWell@Work program. However, the CCPS employee must participate to secure family member eligibility. Family members are not eligible to receive any wellness benefits if the CCPS employee does not participate. CCPS employee participation is defined as, at minimum, completing the online questionnaire, attending an enrollment session to complete biometrics and signing the payroll deduction form. The CCPS employee must be present at the time of family member enrollment. Family members will not be permitted to join if the CCPS employee is not present.

How often do I have to complete the online questionnaire and biometrics?

Participants are required to complete the online questionnaire (if applicable) and biometrics each year in order to renew their wellness benefits, including any Gym Memberships and/or Weight Management programs.

If you completed the questionnaire (if applicable) and biometrics in Summer 2016, you are required to complete the questionnaire and biometrics again in Summer 2017. This applies to both the CCPS employee and any family members.

Failure to complete the online questionnaire and/or biometrics annually during the participants' enrollment period will result in the termination of all wellness benefits for both the CCPS employee and all family members signed up under the CCPS employee.

Effective July 1, 2016, an annual HRA renewal fee must be paid at the time of biometric completion by ALL renewing participants. The participant is responsible for covering $13 of the HRA fee (half of the $26 total HRA fee).The remaining portion of the annual HRA fee is paid by World Gym. Payment of the annual HRA renewal fee is NOT available through payroll deduction.

When do I need to complete the Online Questionnaire?

The Online Questionnaire must be completed BEFORE attending an enrollment session. Participants attending an enrollment session with an incomplete online questionnaire will be asked to return at a later date once it is completed. Questionnaires take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete on any internet-connected device. Recommended browsers include Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Difficulties have been reported with Safari and Internet Explorer.

What are Biometrics?

Biometrics include:

Blood Pressure
Body Composition

Is Lab Work Included?

KeepWell does not offer lab draws through this program. A copy of lab work can be submitted for inclusion in the PWP Report. Participants interested in submitting lab work should bring a hard copy of the results to the sign-up session or fax a copy of the results to the KeepWell Center. The KeepWell Center fax number is 410-535-8397.

Who will have access to my information?

All of the information we receive from your HRA remains confidential. It is not given to any insurance companies or to your employer. After the end of the enrollment period, you will receive a notice that your report is ready to be downloaded. You can share your reports with any friends, family members or co-workers. CalvertHealth does not share the specific information from your report.

Gym Memberships

KeepWell@Work members are eligible for a discounted World Gym Membership. World Gym Memberships are processed through a semi-monthly payroll deduction for the CCPS employee.

All of the following components must be completed by each participating member (CCPS employees AND family members, where applicable) to be eligible for the discounted World Gym Membership:

Annual Completion of a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), including:
Online Questionnaire (participants 18 and older)
Biometrics (Height, Weight, Blood Pressure & Body Composition)
Employee Payroll Deduction Form (Employee MUST be present at time of sign-up to SIGN the payroll form)
KeepWell@Work members completing the enrollment requirements listed above are eligible for a 1-Year Unlimited World Gym Membership. World Gym Locations included in the Unlimited Membership are: La Plata, Waldorf, Prince Frederick, Owings, Lusby, Leonardtown, and Lexington Park.


The price for family members and employees is $20.00 per month per person. This is processed as a $10.00 semi-monthly payroll deduction for each person out of the CCPS employee's paycheck. Membership dues can only be processed through payroll deduction. Each person is required to have their own, separate membership; there are no "shared" gym memberships.

All New Members (not a current World Gym member at the time of sign-up) are required to pay a $26 enrollment fee. This enrollment fee must be paid at the time of sign-up. Payment of the enrollment fee is only accepted in the form of cash or check. Credit and/or debit cards are not accepted.

All New Gym Members receive an orientation session with a personal trainer as part of the $26 enrollment fee.

RETURNING KEEPWELL@WORK MEMBERS: Effective July 1, 2016, an annual HRA renewal fee must be paid at the time of biometric completion by ALL renewing participants. The participant is responsible for covering $13 of the HRA fee (half of the $26 total HRA fee).The remaining portion of the annual HRA fee is paid by World Gym. Payment of the annual HRA renewal fee is NOT available through payroll deduction.

Eat Right Nutrition Services

A “Point System” is used for Eat Right Nutrition Services. Participants are given a total of 120 “points” (per person) to use throughout the year. This "Point System" is designed to offer greater flexibility and more opportunities to participate in a variety of programs.

The cost is $10.00 per month per person through payroll deduction ($5.00 semi-monthly).

Different programs have different point values. This allows for more flexibility in selecting classes and programs. Programs you can choose from include, but are not limited to:

  • Healthy Weight Challenges & Programs
  • Individual Nutritional Counseling
  • Dinner with the Dietitian
  • Weight Loss for Life
  • Weigh to Wellness
  • Eat Right Online Coaching
  • Three-Day Food Diary Analysis
  • Personalized Meal Planning
You can also call or email to inquire about the classes and programs that are part of this "Point System"


The Fall 2017 enrollment period officially launches on Tuesday, September 5 at the Patuxent Health Center!

Early enrollments are available at the KeepWell Center at CalvertHealth beginning on Tuesday, August 1.

Below is a listing of ALL enrollment sessions for the Fall 2017 enrollment period:

Tuesday, September 5: 4-6pm, Patuxent Health Center (PHC)
Thursday, September 7: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
Monday, September 11: 4-6pm, Owings World Gym
Tuesday, September 12: 4-6pm, PHC
Thursday, September 14: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
Monday, September 18: 4-6pm, Owings World Gym
Tuesday, September 19: 4-6pm, PHC
Thursday, September 21: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
Monday, September 25: 4-6pm, Owings World Gym
Tuesday, September 26: 4-6pm, PHC
Thursday, September 28: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
FINAL SESSION! Saturday, September 30: 9am-12pm, PHC

Please email or call 410-535-8233 to schedule an appointment outside of the Enrollment Sessions listed above.

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